Unfortunately, i couldn't find much stuffs worth buying there as nowadays penang seems to have almost everything that you can find in KL, good news for penangites though! Even there's not much sales there too, how disappointing :(
But i've found something that could cheer me up from this dull shopping trip i have in KL...guess what, after checking out my daily dose of beauty blogosphere which i missed while i was on my trip, i am so awed! Kind Miss Paris B is giving away some wonderful gifts to her readers, how awesome ^.^ Here are some of My Women Stuff Christmas Giveaway:

I love all the sets but i particularly adores the Revlon Gift Set as it comprises of all the necessities i needed for this holiday season; i need to dye my dull looking hair to give it more life, i need the makeup brush set to help me apply the beauty stuffs i bought lately and etc...its gonna be a long list if i enlist them all here keke :P
For more info, you can always go to the link i provided above, and finally all the best for my Christmas wishes!!!
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